Holiday Garbage Pick Up
During Holidays, garbage/recycling pick up moves 1 day ahead. i.e Monday Memorial Day Pick up will occur on Tuesday, normal Tuesday pick up will move to Wednesday etc.
Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School Final Report can be found at the attached link:
Town Board Meeting Change Notice
Due to Memorial Day, the regular Town Board Meeting Scheduled for Monday May 28, 2018
is RESCHEDULED to Thursday May 31, 2018 at 7pm
LOCATION: NEW Town Hall, 11850 Stettin Drive, Wausau WI 54401
Special Town Meeting
Special Board Meeting
Garbage Pick up Week of April 16, 2018
**Garbage/recycling Pick up Changes Week of April 16, 2018**
Due to hazardous road conditions, garbage and recycling service pick up days will move ahead 1 day, the week of April 16, 2018.
i.e normal pick up day is Monday, will now be Tues etc
Special Meeting
Annual Meeting
New Town Hall
NOTICE; The new town hall at 11850 Stettin Drive is NOT currently in use.
Please continue to use the current town hall at 12004 Stettin Drive for ALL town business, until further notice.
Thank you!